Research by Scott M. Graffius Featured at CEWEP 10th Congress (Berlin)
12 April 2024
BY SCOTT M. GRAFFIUS | ScottGraffius.com

Research by Scott M. Graffius was featured at the CEWEP 10th Congress (Berlin, Germany).

When content is published online, relevance and engagement have a limited lifespan. An advantageous objective metric is half-life. It’s the time it takes for a post to receive half of its total engagement (such as likes, shares, and comments). Data can help inform strategic and tactical decisions, such as the frequency and scheduling of posts.
However, reports by others on the shelf life of social media are often outdated or based on the experience of one person, one organization, or one limited set of data. With any of those common limitations, findings are at risk of being non-representative, inaccurate, or unreliable.
It’s important to have a large dataset from multiple sources. In addition to generating results that are more likely to be appropriately representative, accurate, and reliable, this approach provides a more complete picture and helps identify trends.
In 2018, Scott M. Graffius first published data on the average lifespan (half-life) of posts on Snapchat, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and blogs — based on data from multiple sources. Algorithms and other factors on platforms change over time. For that reason, Graffius periodically updates the analysis. The current (2024) edition of his ‘Lifespan (Half-Life) of Social Media Posts’ is here.
Scientists, researchers, journalists, academics, YouTubers, podcasters, SEO experts, analysts, businesses, government agencies, and others have featured and used Graffius’ research. CEWEP was added to the list.
Here's the citation: Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP) (2023, June 15). The Power of Social Media and How to Use It. 10th CEWEP Waste-to-Energy Congress, 14th - 16th June 2023, Berlin. Available at: https://www.cewep.eu/congress2023presentations/ and https://www.cewep.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/4.1-Monika-Michalska.pdf. [Presentation slide 9 featured Graffius’ visual, representing a summary of research findings.]
The Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP) is the umbrella association of the operators of Waste-to-Energy (incineration with energy recovery) plants, representing about 410 plants from 23 countries. They make up more than 80% of the Waste-to-Energy capacity in Europe. Its members are committed to ensuring high environmental standards, achieving low emissions, and maintaining state of the art energy production from remaining waste that cannot be recycled in a sustainable way.

Page 1 of CEWEP Congress program is shown above.

Page 4 of CEWEP Congress program is shown above.

Page 6 of CEWEP Congress program is shown above.

Slide 9 of CEWEP Congress presentation is shown above.

Press release for CEWEP Congress is shown above.
The following is based on information — and includes excerpts — from https://www.cewep.eu/what-cewep-does/.
The Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP) is the umbrella association of the operators of Waste-to-Energy (incineration with energy recovery) plants, representing about 410 plants from 23 countries. They make up more than 80% of the Waste-to-Energy capacity in Europe. Its members are committed to ensuring high environmental standards, achieving low emissions, and maintaining state of the art energy production from remaining waste that cannot be recycled in a sustainable way.
CEWEP promotes research and development. It serves as a platform for the exchange of experience between members, advances scientific, technical and practical aspects of Waste-to-Energy and promotes research, development and dissemination of knowledge towards sustainable waste management and energy recovery through incineration.
To learn more, visit https://www.cewep.eu.

About Scott M. Graffius

Scott M. Graffius, PMP, SA, CSP-SM, CSP-PO, CSM, CSPO, ITIL, LSSGB is an agile project management practitioner, consultant, thinker, creator, multi-award-winning author, and international public speaker. Founder and CEO of Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ and subsidiary Exceptional Agility™, he has generated over $1.9 billion for Global Fortune 500 businesses and other organizations he has served. Graffius and content from his books, talks, workshops, and more have been featured and used by Microsoft, Oracle, Broadcom, Cisco, Gartner, Project Management Institute, IEEE, National Academy of Sciences, United States Department of Energy, Yale University, Tufts University, and others. He delights audiences with dynamic and engaging talks and workshops on agile project management, AI, Tech leadership, video game development, strategic alignment, the science of high performance teams, and more. To date, he's presented sessions at 89 conferences and other events across 25 countries.
His full bio is available here.
Connect with Scott on:

About Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions

Shifting customer needs are common in today's marketplace. Businesses must be adaptive and responsive to change while delivering an exceptional customer experience to be competitive.
There are a variety of frameworks supporting the development of products and services, and most approaches fall into one of two broad categories: traditional or agile. Traditional practices such as waterfall engage sequential development, while agile involves iterative and incremental deliverables. Organizations are increasingly embracing agile to manage projects, and best meet their business needs of rapid response to change, fast delivery speed, and more.
With clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Scott M. Graffius's award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions helps the reader:
Hailed by Literary Titan as “the book highlights the versatility of Scrum beautifully.”
Winner of 17 first place awards.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.

About Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change

Thriving in today's marketplace frequently depends on making a transformation to become more agile. Those successful in the transition enjoy faster delivery speed and ROI, higher satisfaction, continuous improvement, and additional benefits.
Based on actual events, Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change provides a quick (60-90 minute) read about a successful agile transformation at a multinational entertainment and media company, told from the author's perspective as an agile coach.
The award-winning book by Scott M. Graffius is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20562.77764
The short link for this article is: https://bit.ly/eu-cewep
© Copyright 2024 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Research by Scott M. Graffius was featured at the CEWEP 10th Congress (Berlin, Germany).

When content is published online, relevance and engagement have a limited lifespan. An advantageous objective metric is half-life. It’s the time it takes for a post to receive half of its total engagement (such as likes, shares, and comments). Data can help inform strategic and tactical decisions, such as the frequency and scheduling of posts.
However, reports by others on the shelf life of social media are often outdated or based on the experience of one person, one organization, or one limited set of data. With any of those common limitations, findings are at risk of being non-representative, inaccurate, or unreliable.
It’s important to have a large dataset from multiple sources. In addition to generating results that are more likely to be appropriately representative, accurate, and reliable, this approach provides a more complete picture and helps identify trends.
In 2018, Scott M. Graffius first published data on the average lifespan (half-life) of posts on Snapchat, X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest, and blogs — based on data from multiple sources. Algorithms and other factors on platforms change over time. For that reason, Graffius periodically updates the analysis. The current (2024) edition of his ‘Lifespan (Half-Life) of Social Media Posts’ is here.
Scientists, researchers, journalists, academics, YouTubers, podcasters, SEO experts, analysts, businesses, government agencies, and others have featured and used Graffius’ research. CEWEP was added to the list.
Here's the citation: Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP) (2023, June 15). The Power of Social Media and How to Use It. 10th CEWEP Waste-to-Energy Congress, 14th - 16th June 2023, Berlin. Available at: https://www.cewep.eu/congress2023presentations/ and https://www.cewep.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/4.1-Monika-Michalska.pdf. [Presentation slide 9 featured Graffius’ visual, representing a summary of research findings.]
The Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP) is the umbrella association of the operators of Waste-to-Energy (incineration with energy recovery) plants, representing about 410 plants from 23 countries. They make up more than 80% of the Waste-to-Energy capacity in Europe. Its members are committed to ensuring high environmental standards, achieving low emissions, and maintaining state of the art energy production from remaining waste that cannot be recycled in a sustainable way.

Page 1 of CEWEP Congress program is shown above.

Page 4 of CEWEP Congress program is shown above.

Page 6 of CEWEP Congress program is shown above.

Slide 9 of CEWEP Congress presentation is shown above.

Press release for CEWEP Congress is shown above.
The following is based on information — and includes excerpts — from https://www.cewep.eu/what-cewep-does/.
The Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants (CEWEP) is the umbrella association of the operators of Waste-to-Energy (incineration with energy recovery) plants, representing about 410 plants from 23 countries. They make up more than 80% of the Waste-to-Energy capacity in Europe. Its members are committed to ensuring high environmental standards, achieving low emissions, and maintaining state of the art energy production from remaining waste that cannot be recycled in a sustainable way.
CEWEP promotes research and development. It serves as a platform for the exchange of experience between members, advances scientific, technical and practical aspects of Waste-to-Energy and promotes research, development and dissemination of knowledge towards sustainable waste management and energy recovery through incineration.
To learn more, visit https://www.cewep.eu.

About Scott M. Graffius

Scott M. Graffius, PMP, SA, CSP-SM, CSP-PO, CSM, CSPO, ITIL, LSSGB is an agile project management practitioner, consultant, thinker, creator, multi-award-winning author, and international public speaker. Founder and CEO of Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ and subsidiary Exceptional Agility™, he has generated over $1.9 billion for Global Fortune 500 businesses and other organizations he has served. Graffius and content from his books, talks, workshops, and more have been featured and used by Microsoft, Oracle, Broadcom, Cisco, Gartner, Project Management Institute, IEEE, National Academy of Sciences, United States Department of Energy, Yale University, Tufts University, and others. He delights audiences with dynamic and engaging talks and workshops on agile project management, AI, Tech leadership, video game development, strategic alignment, the science of high performance teams, and more. To date, he's presented sessions at 89 conferences and other events across 25 countries.
His full bio is available here.
Connect with Scott on:

About Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions

Shifting customer needs are common in today's marketplace. Businesses must be adaptive and responsive to change while delivering an exceptional customer experience to be competitive.
There are a variety of frameworks supporting the development of products and services, and most approaches fall into one of two broad categories: traditional or agile. Traditional practices such as waterfall engage sequential development, while agile involves iterative and incremental deliverables. Organizations are increasingly embracing agile to manage projects, and best meet their business needs of rapid response to change, fast delivery speed, and more.
With clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Scott M. Graffius's award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions helps the reader:
- Implement and use the most popular agile frameworkโScrum;
- Deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement; and
- Support innovation and drive competitive advantage.
Hailed by Literary Titan as “the book highlights the versatility of Scrum beautifully.”
Winner of 17 first place awards.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.
- ๐ง๐ท Brazil
- ๐จ๐ฆ Canada
- ๐จ๐ฟ Czech Republic
- ๐ฉ๐ฐ Denmark
- ๐ซ๐ฎ Finland
- ๐ซ๐ท France
- ๐ฉ๐ช Germany
- ๐ฌ๐ท Greece
- ๐ญ๐บ Hungary
- ๐ฎ๐ณ India
- ๐ฎ๐ช Ireland
- ๐ฎ๐ฑ Israel
- ๐ฎ๐น Italy
- ๐ฏ๐ต Japan
- ๐ฑ๐บ Luxembourg
- ๐ฒ๐ฝ Mexico
- ๐ณ๐ฑ Netherlands
- ๐ณ๐ฟ New Zealand
- ๐ณ๐ด Norway
- ๐ช๐ธ Spain
- ๐ธ๐ช Sweden
- ๐จ๐ญ Switzerland
- ๐ฆ๐ช UAE
- ๐ฌ๐ง United Kingdom
- ๐บ๐ธ United States
- ๐ More countries

About Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change

Thriving in today's marketplace frequently depends on making a transformation to become more agile. Those successful in the transition enjoy faster delivery speed and ROI, higher satisfaction, continuous improvement, and additional benefits.
Based on actual events, Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change provides a quick (60-90 minute) read about a successful agile transformation at a multinational entertainment and media company, told from the author's perspective as an agile coach.
The award-winning book by Scott M. Graffius is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.
- ๐ฆ๐บ Australia
- ๐ฆ๐น Austria
- ๐ง๐ท Brazil
- ๐จ๐ฆ Canada
- ๐จ๐ฟ Czech Republic
- ๐ฉ๐ฐ Denmark
- ๐ซ๐ฎ Finland
- ๐ซ๐ท France
- ๐ฉ๐ช Germany
- ๐ฌ๐ท Greece
- ๐ฎ๐ณ India
- ๐ฎ๐ช Ireland
- ๐ฏ๐ต Japan
- ๐ฑ๐บ Luxembourg
- ๐ฒ๐ฝ Mexico
- ๐ณ๐ฑ Netherlands
- ๐ณ๐ฟ New Zealand
- ๐ช๐ธ Spain
- ๐ธ๐ช Sweden
- ๐จ๐ญ Switzerland
- ๐ฆ๐ช United Arab Emirates
- ๐ฌ๐ง United Kingdom
- ๐บ๐ธ United States
- ๐ More countries

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20562.77764
The short link for this article is: https://bit.ly/eu-cewep
© Copyright 2024 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

U.S. Department of Energy Quoted Scott M. Graffius
28 May 2024
BY SCOTT M. GRAFFIUS | ScottGraffius.com

Including supporting information, this short article is organized into six sections:

United States Department of Energy Quoted Scott M. Graffius
A publication of the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE) included an excerpt from Scott M. Graffius’ award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions book. The US DOE publication is:
Details including visuals and more follow.

The cover page of the respective US DOE publication is shown above. As noted, the document available to the public (shown) is marked with "DRAFT."

Page iii of the US DOE publication is above. It shows the quote from Scott M. Graffius' award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions book. As noted, the US DOE document available to the public (shown) is marked with "DRAFT."
Read on for more on the US DOE publication, the US DOE, Scott M. Graffius, and Graffius' book.

About the US DOE Publication
The respective publication is:
As an overview, excerpts from the document follow.
"This document summarizes the accomplishments of a three-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under its Grid Modernization Initiative, which is working across DOE to create the modern grid of the future. The project, titled 'Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium (GMLC) 1.1: Metrics Analysis' (hereafter GMLC Metrics project) was undertaken by the Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium (GMLC) Metrics team (hereafter GMLC Metrics team), which consists of national laboratory sub-teams each dedicated to developing one of six volumes in the set of reference documents about new grid metrics."
"This first volume describes the importance of metrics for grid modernization and then introduces the six categories of metrics DOE has developed to guide the Grid Modernization Initiative—(1) reliability, (2) resilience, (3) flexibility, (4) sustainability, (5) affordability, and (6) security. It then describes the approach the Grid Metrics team took to working directly with industry stakeholders to develop new grid metrics and demonstrate their use. This report is accompanied by six separate reference documents that provide more detail about the work of the GMLC Metrics sub-teams on each of the six metrics categories and assess the current uses of metrics in these each of the categories to inform grid modernization."
The publication is available at: https://gmlc.doe.gov/sites/default/files/2021-08/GMLC1.1_Vol1_Executive_Summary_ackn_draft.pdf.

About the US DOE
The mission of the US DOE is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.
Visit https://www.energy.gov/ to learn more.

About Scott M. Graffius

Scott M. Graffius, PMP, SA, CSP-SM, CSP-PO, CSM, CSPO, ITIL, LSSGB is an agile project management practitioner, consultant, creator, multi-award-winning author, and international public speaker. Founder and CEO of Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ and subsidiary Exceptional Agility™, he has generated over $1.9 billion for Global Fortune 500 businesses and other organizations he has served. Graffius and content from his books, talks, workshops, and more have been featured and used by Microsoft, Oracle, Broadcom, Cisco, Adobe, Gartner, Project Management Institute, IEEE, Qantas, National Academy of Sciences, EU's European Commission, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Boston University, U.S. National Park Service, Bayer, Ford, London South Bank University, Warsaw University of Technology, U.S. Tennis Association, Hasso Plattner Institute, American Management Association, Virginia Tech, University of Galway Ireland, UC San Diego, Yale University, and others. He delights audiences with dynamic and engaging talks and workshops on agile project management, AI, video game development, strategic alignment, the science of high performance teams, and more. To date, he's presented sessions at 91 conferences and other events across 25 countries. His full bio is available here.

About Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions

Shifting customer needs are common in today's marketplace. Businesses must be adaptive and responsive to change while delivering an exceptional customer experience to be competitive.
There are a variety of frameworks supporting the development of products and services, and most approaches fall into one of two broad categories: traditional or agile. Traditional practices such as waterfall engage sequential development, while agile involves iterative and incremental deliverables. Organizations are increasingly embracing agile to manage projects, and best meet their business needs of rapid response to change, fast delivery speed, and more.
With clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Scott M. Graffius's award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions helps the reader:
Hailed by Literary Titan as “the book highlights the versatility of Scrum beautifully.”
Winner of 17 first place awards.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.

How to Cite This Article
Graffius, Scott M. (2024, May 28). U.S. Department of Energy Quoted Scott M. Graffius. Available at: https://scottgraffius.com/blog/files/usdoe-2024.html. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30346.07364.

The short link for this article is https://bit.ly/us-doe
© Copyright 2024 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Including supporting information, this short article is organized into six sections:
- Main Section of Article: United States Department of Energy Quoted Scott M. Graffius
- About the US DOE Publication
- About the US DOE
- About Scott M. Graffius
- About Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions
- How to Cite This Article

United States Department of Energy Quoted Scott M. Graffius
A publication of the U.S. Department of Energy (US DOE) included an excerpt from Scott M. Graffius’ award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions book. The US DOE publication is:
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Battelle Memorial Institute, and the United States Department of Energy (2020). Grid Modernization: Metrics Analysis (GMLC1.1) – Executive Summary, Vol.1. Alexandria, VA: National Technical Information Service.
Details including visuals and more follow.

The cover page of the respective US DOE publication is shown above. As noted, the document available to the public (shown) is marked with "DRAFT."

Page iii of the US DOE publication is above. It shows the quote from Scott M. Graffius' award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions book. As noted, the US DOE document available to the public (shown) is marked with "DRAFT."
Read on for more on the US DOE publication, the US DOE, Scott M. Graffius, and Graffius' book.

About the US DOE Publication
The respective publication is:
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Battelle Memorial Institute, and the United States Department of Energy (2020). Grid Modernization: Metrics Analysis (GMLC1.1) – Executive Summary, Vol.1. Alexandria, VA: National Technical Information Service.
As an overview, excerpts from the document follow.
"This document summarizes the accomplishments of a three-year project funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under its Grid Modernization Initiative, which is working across DOE to create the modern grid of the future. The project, titled 'Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium (GMLC) 1.1: Metrics Analysis' (hereafter GMLC Metrics project) was undertaken by the Grid Modernization Laboratory Consortium (GMLC) Metrics team (hereafter GMLC Metrics team), which consists of national laboratory sub-teams each dedicated to developing one of six volumes in the set of reference documents about new grid metrics."
"This first volume describes the importance of metrics for grid modernization and then introduces the six categories of metrics DOE has developed to guide the Grid Modernization Initiative—(1) reliability, (2) resilience, (3) flexibility, (4) sustainability, (5) affordability, and (6) security. It then describes the approach the Grid Metrics team took to working directly with industry stakeholders to develop new grid metrics and demonstrate their use. This report is accompanied by six separate reference documents that provide more detail about the work of the GMLC Metrics sub-teams on each of the six metrics categories and assess the current uses of metrics in these each of the categories to inform grid modernization."
The publication is available at: https://gmlc.doe.gov/sites/default/files/2021-08/GMLC1.1_Vol1_Executive_Summary_ackn_draft.pdf.

About the US DOE
The mission of the US DOE is to ensure America’s security and prosperity by addressing its energy, environmental and nuclear challenges through transformative science and technology solutions.
- Energy: Catalyze the timely, material, and efficient transformation of the nation’s energy system and secure U.S. leadership in energy technologies.
- Science and Innovation: Maintain a vibrant U.S. effort in science and engineering as a cornerstone of our economic prosperity with clear leadership in strategic areas.
- Nuclear Safety and Security: Enhance nuclear security through defense, nonproliferation, and environmental efforts.
- Management and Operational Excellence: Establish an operational and adaptable framework that combines the best wisdom of all Department stakeholders to maximize mission success.
Visit https://www.energy.gov/ to learn more.

About Scott M. Graffius

Scott M. Graffius, PMP, SA, CSP-SM, CSP-PO, CSM, CSPO, ITIL, LSSGB is an agile project management practitioner, consultant, creator, multi-award-winning author, and international public speaker. Founder and CEO of Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ and subsidiary Exceptional Agility™, he has generated over $1.9 billion for Global Fortune 500 businesses and other organizations he has served. Graffius and content from his books, talks, workshops, and more have been featured and used by Microsoft, Oracle, Broadcom, Cisco, Adobe, Gartner, Project Management Institute, IEEE, Qantas, National Academy of Sciences, EU's European Commission, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Boston University, U.S. National Park Service, Bayer, Ford, London South Bank University, Warsaw University of Technology, U.S. Tennis Association, Hasso Plattner Institute, American Management Association, Virginia Tech, University of Galway Ireland, UC San Diego, Yale University, and others. He delights audiences with dynamic and engaging talks and workshops on agile project management, AI, video game development, strategic alignment, the science of high performance teams, and more. To date, he's presented sessions at 91 conferences and other events across 25 countries. His full bio is available here.

About Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions

Shifting customer needs are common in today's marketplace. Businesses must be adaptive and responsive to change while delivering an exceptional customer experience to be competitive.
There are a variety of frameworks supporting the development of products and services, and most approaches fall into one of two broad categories: traditional or agile. Traditional practices such as waterfall engage sequential development, while agile involves iterative and incremental deliverables. Organizations are increasingly embracing agile to manage projects, and best meet their business needs of rapid response to change, fast delivery speed, and more.
With clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Scott M. Graffius's award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions helps the reader:
- Implement and use the most popular agile frameworkโScrum;
- Deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement; and
- Support innovation and drive competitive advantage.
Hailed by Literary Titan as “the book highlights the versatility of Scrum beautifully.”
Winner of 17 first place awards.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.
- ๐ง๐ท Brazil
- ๐จ๐ฆ Canada
- ๐จ๐ฟ Czech Republic
- ๐ฉ๐ฐ Denmark
- ๐ซ๐ฎ Finland
- ๐ซ๐ท France
- ๐ฉ๐ช Germany
- ๐ฌ๐ท Greece
- ๐ญ๐บ Hungary
- ๐ฎ๐ณ India
- ๐ฎ๐ช Ireland
- ๐ฎ๐ฑ Israel
- ๐ฎ๐น Italy
- ๐ฏ๐ต Japan
- ๐ฑ๐บ Luxembourg
- ๐ฒ๐ฝ Mexico
- ๐ณ๐ฑ Netherlands
- ๐ณ๐ฟ New Zealand
- ๐ณ๐ด Norway
- ๐ช๐ธ Spain
- ๐ธ๐ช Sweden
- ๐จ๐ญ Switzerland
- ๐ฆ๐ช UAE
- ๐ฌ๐ง United Kingdom
- ๐บ๐ธ United States
- ๐ More countries

How to Cite This Article
Graffius, Scott M. (2024, May 28). U.S. Department of Energy Quoted Scott M. Graffius. Available at: https://scottgraffius.com/blog/files/usdoe-2024.html. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30346.07364.

The short link for this article is https://bit.ly/us-doe
© Copyright 2024 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

SBG Neumark — Europe’s Largest Distribution Transformer Plant — Powers Up with Scott M. Graffius’ Intellectual Property
10 November 2024
BY SCOTT M. GRAFFIUS | ScottGraffius.com

SBG Neumark, a leading provider of high-performance electrical power transformers and energy transmission solutions, featured Scott M. Graffius' work. As shown in the visual below, SBG Neumark's CEO included Graffius' 'Phases of Team Development' intellectual property in a post on LinkedIn.

The current (2024) edition of Graffius' 'Phases of Team Development' is here.
Read on to learn:

About Andreas Unterweger
Andreas Unterweger, CEO of SBG Neumark, Europe's largest Distribution Transformer plant, is a transformative leader with a passion for driving innovation in the electrical industry.

About SBG Neumark
SBG Neumark, based in Germany and officially known as Sächsisch-Bayerische Starkstrom-Gerätebau GmbH, is a significant player in the transformer manufacturing and energy transmission industry. Highlights follow.

About Scott M. Graffius

Scott M. Graffius is a global leader in agile project management, an expert on teamwork tradecraft, an authority on temporal dynamics on social media platforms, a creator, a consultant, a trainer, an award-winning author, and an international public speaker.
See his bio to learn more.

About Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions

Shifting customer needs are common in today's marketplace. Businesses must be adaptive and responsive to change while delivering an exceptional customer experience to be competitive.
There are a variety of frameworks supporting the development of products and services, and most approaches fall into one of two broad categories: traditional or agile. Traditional practices such as waterfall engage sequential development, while agile involves iterative and incremental deliverables. Organizations are increasingly embracing agile to manage projects, and best meet their business needs of rapid response to change, fast delivery speed, and more.
With clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Scott M. Graffius's award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions helps the reader:
Hailed by Literary Titan as “the book highlights the versatility of Scrum beautifully.”
Winner of 17 first place awards.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.

About Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change

Thriving in today's marketplace frequently depends on making a transformation to become more agile. Those successful in the transition enjoy faster delivery speed and ROI, higher satisfaction, continuous improvement, and additional benefits.
Based on actual events, Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change provides a quick (60-90 minute) read about a successful agile transformation at a multinational entertainment and media company, told from the author's perspective as an agile coach.
The award-winning book by Scott M. Graffius is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.

How to Cite This Article
Graffius, Scott M. (2024, November 10). SBG Neumark — Europe’s Largest Distribution Transformer Plant — Powers Up with Scott M. Graffius’ Intellectual Property. Available at: https://scottgraffius.com/blog/files/sbg-neumark.html.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
DOI: (coming soon)
DOI link: (coming soon)

Post-Publication Notes
If there are any supplements or updates to this article after the date of publication, they will appear here.

Content Acknowledgements
This article uses limited excerpts from SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger, attributed to SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger, respectively, and used under fair use for news reporting and analysis.
Content of SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger are the property of SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger, respectively.
Graffius’ ‘Phases of Team Development’ is copyright © Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved.

Copyright © Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved.
Content on this site—including text, images, videos, and data—may not be used for training or input into any artificial intelligence, machine learning, or automatized learning systems, or published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

SBG Neumark, a leading provider of high-performance electrical power transformers and energy transmission solutions, featured Scott M. Graffius' work. As shown in the visual below, SBG Neumark's CEO included Graffius' 'Phases of Team Development' intellectual property in a post on LinkedIn.

The current (2024) edition of Graffius' 'Phases of Team Development' is here.
Read on to learn:
- About Andreas Unterweger,
- About SBG Neumark,
- About Scott M. Graffius,
- How to Cite This Article,
- and more.

About Andreas Unterweger
Andreas Unterweger, CEO of SBG Neumark, Europe's largest Distribution Transformer plant, is a transformative leader with a passion for driving innovation in the electrical industry.

About SBG Neumark
SBG Neumark, based in Germany and officially known as Sächsisch-Bayerische Starkstrom-Gerätebau GmbH, is a significant player in the transformer manufacturing and energy transmission industry. Highlights follow.
- The Neumark site has over 60 years of history in transformer manufacturing.
- In 1993, SBG Neumark started producing distribution transformers, marking a significant expansion for the company.
- By 2013, SBG celebrated 20 years of operations with notable growth, including over 350 employees and having produced over 170,000 distribution transformers and 10,000 compact stations since inception.
- The company has contributed significantly to the local economy in the Vogtland region, employing nearly 650 people, making it one of the largest employers in the area.
- SBG Neumark established a Technology and Transformer Design Center at its location, enhancing its focus on innovation and design in transformer technology.

About Scott M. Graffius

Scott M. Graffius is a global leader in agile project management, an expert on teamwork tradecraft, an authority on temporal dynamics on social media platforms, a creator, a consultant, a trainer, an award-winning author, and an international public speaker.
See his bio to learn more.

About Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions

Shifting customer needs are common in today's marketplace. Businesses must be adaptive and responsive to change while delivering an exceptional customer experience to be competitive.
There are a variety of frameworks supporting the development of products and services, and most approaches fall into one of two broad categories: traditional or agile. Traditional practices such as waterfall engage sequential development, while agile involves iterative and incremental deliverables. Organizations are increasingly embracing agile to manage projects, and best meet their business needs of rapid response to change, fast delivery speed, and more.
With clear and easy to follow step-by-step instructions, Scott M. Graffius's award-winning Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions helps the reader:
- Implement and use the most popular agile frameworkโScrum;
- Deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement; and
- Support innovation and drive competitive advantage.
Hailed by Literary Titan as “the book highlights the versatility of Scrum beautifully.”
Winner of 17 first place awards.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.
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About Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change

Thriving in today's marketplace frequently depends on making a transformation to become more agile. Those successful in the transition enjoy faster delivery speed and ROI, higher satisfaction, continuous improvement, and additional benefits.
Based on actual events, Agile Transformation: A Brief Story of How an Entertainment Company Developed New Capabilities and Unlocked Business Agility to Thrive in an Era of Rapid Change provides a quick (60-90 minute) read about a successful agile transformation at a multinational entertainment and media company, told from the author's perspective as an agile coach.
The award-winning book by Scott M. Graffius is available in paperback and ebook/Kindle in the United States and around the world. Some links by country follow.
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- ๐ฆ๐ช United Arab Emirates
- ๐ฌ๐ง United Kingdom
- ๐บ๐ธ United States
- ๐ More countries

How to Cite This Article
Graffius, Scott M. (2024, November 10). SBG Neumark — Europe’s Largest Distribution Transformer Plant — Powers Up with Scott M. Graffius’ Intellectual Property. Available at: https://scottgraffius.com/blog/files/sbg-neumark.html.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
DOI: (coming soon)
DOI link: (coming soon)

Post-Publication Notes
If there are any supplements or updates to this article after the date of publication, they will appear here.

Content Acknowledgements
This article uses limited excerpts from SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger, attributed to SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger, respectively, and used under fair use for news reporting and analysis.
Content of SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger are the property of SBG Neumark and SBG Neumark CEO Andreas Unterweger, respectively.
Graffius’ ‘Phases of Team Development’ is copyright © Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved.

Copyright © Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved.
Content on this site—including text, images, videos, and data—may not be used for training or input into any artificial intelligence, machine learning, or automatized learning systems, or published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.