"Agile Scrum" Online Bonus Content — Updated December 30, 2017
30 December 2017

Online bonus material—containing an ever-growing list of supplemental content that comes free with the purchase of Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions—was updated today. Information on Agile/Scrum related blogs and podcasts were added to Select Resources. Instructions on how to access the online bonus material are provided inside both the ebook and the paperback book.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Wins Gold at Human Relations Indie Book Awards
13 December 2017

The Human Relations Indie Book Awards announced the results of its 2017 competition today, and Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions won the gold (first place) in the Workplace category.
The contest was open to English-language books in print from small, academic, and independent presses as well as self-published authors. Entries were assessed on presentation, organization, and content—including the human relations message conveyed. Publications judged as outstanding are credited with awards.
Including this new honor, Agile Scrum has received 15 first place awards from national and international competitions. Thank you to Chris Hare and Colin Giffen, the technical editors on the book.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Online Bonus Content — Updated on 28 November 2017
28 November 2017

Online bonus material—containing an ever-growing list of supplemental content that comes free with the purchase of Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions—was updated today. A new quiz was added to the list. Instructions on how to access the bonus material are provided inside the ebook and inside the paperback book.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.
For additional information on the book, please see the November 15 press release, or visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Book Trailer — Updated 26 November 2017
26 November 2017
Follow @scottgraffius
The trailer for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions was updated. Content in the Seen In and Honors sections were refreshed. The video is tight—the total run time remains 30 seconds. The video is above and at https://vimeo.com/178858753.
Agile Scrum helps technical and non-technical teams deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement—which supports innovation and drives competitive advantage.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
For more on the book, see the November 15, 2017 PRNewswire press release at https://finance.yahoo.com/news/scott-m-graffiuss-award-winning-204000210.html.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Agile Scrum Guide | Official Book Trailer from Scott Graffius on Vimeo.
The trailer for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions was updated. Content in the Seen In and Honors sections were refreshed. The video is tight—the total run time remains 30 seconds. The video is above and at https://vimeo.com/178858753.
Agile Scrum helps technical and non-technical teams deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement—which supports innovation and drives competitive advantage.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.
For more on the book, see the November 15, 2017 PRNewswire press release at https://finance.yahoo.com/news/scott-m-graffiuss-award-winning-204000210.html.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Takes First Place in Science & Technology at Royal Dragonfly Book Awards
16 November 2017

November 16 was an especially fortunate day for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. As noted in an earlier post, it won first place in the Technology category at the 2017 New York City Big Book Awards. The same day, the book took first place in Science & Technology at the 2017 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards. The contest was open to English-language books in print from around the world from all presses including self-published authors. Books were rated on content, readability, and innovation by judges with expertise in the categories over which they presided. Exceptional books are honored with awards.
Including this new honor, the publication has received 14 first place awards from national and international competitions. Thank you to Chris Hare and Colin Giffen, the technical editors on the book.
A press release on the book—distributed on November 15 (the day before this win)—is located at Yahoo Finance at https://finance.yahoo.com/news/scott-m-graffiuss-award-winning-204000210.html.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Wins First Place in Technology at New York City Big Book Awards
16 November 2017

Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius won first place in the Technology category at the 2017 New York City Big Book Awards. The competition was open to books in print and audiobooks from all authors and presses. Contestants ranged from independent authors to works from publishing giants. Entries were rated on presentation, editorial quality, and audience appeal. Works judged as best of the best are honored with awards.
Including this honor, the publication has received 13 first place awards from national and international competitions. Thank you to Chris Hare and Colin Giffen, the technical editors on the book.
A press release on the book—distributed on November 15 (the day before this win)—is located at Yahoo Finance at https://finance.yahoo.com/news/scott-m-graffiuss-award-winning-204000210.html.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Press Release: "Scott M. Graffius's Award-Winning Book on Agile Scrum Helps Organizations Drive Competitive Advantage"
15 November 2017

There's a press release on the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. Distribution started today and as of the time of this post, the news has been carried by Yahoo Finance; Epicos—the information portal for Aerospace, Defense, and High Technology (ADHT) sectors; and 116 additional outlets. Distribution continues.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Contributor and Reviewer of A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)—Sixth Edition
15 November 2017

I'm honored to have been a contributor and reviewer of the Project Management Institute's flagship standard, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide)—Sixth Edition. It includes new content for project delivery professionals working in the entire spectrum of approaches—from traditional (waterfall) to agile methodologies.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Book Trailer — Updated on 10 November 2017
10 November 2017
Agile Scrum Guide | Official Book Trailer from Scott Graffius on Vimeo.
The updated 30-second trailer for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is live at https://vimeo.com/178858753 (and can be played above). Changes to the trailer include the addition of a new award—first place in the Business Reference category at the 14th Annual Best Book Awards—and revised formatting.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" by Scott M. Graffius Took First Place in Business at Best Book Awards
09 November 2017

The 14th Annual Best Book Awards named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by project management expert, consultant and author Scott M. Graffius as the first place winner in the Business Reference category. The annual competition is open to English-language books from all authors and publishers. Over 2,000 contestants ranged from first-time, self-published authors to bestselling works from publishing giants including Wiley, McGraw-Hill, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, St. Martin's Press, Penguin Random House, and Hachette Book Group. A panel of publishing industry experts judged entries, and outstanding books are honored with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Scott M. Graffius Featured in BEA Author Showcase
07 November 2017

I'm thrilled to be included in the BEA Author Showcase. The feature (here) relates the inspiration for the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, and suggestions for aspiring authors.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Techniques for Gathering User Stories
25 October 2017

In Scrum, user stories act as requirements. Each story represents a portion of business value that a team can deliver in an iteration. A common format is: “As a (role), I want (goal) so that I can (reason).” Here's an example: “As a customer, I want shopping cart functionality so that I can buy items online.” User stories are captured in the product release backlog. This short article focuses on techniques for gathering user stories.
The following methods can help the Product Owner gather material for user stories:
• Interviews: Ask a diverse group of users—or anticipated users if the product/service does not yet exist—open-ended questions containing "how" or "why." For example: "How would you pair this device with your iPhone?”
• Observation: Watch people using the product/service.
• Prototyping: Use tools such as sticky notes, PowerPoint, and wireframes to illustrate ideas, show preliminary versions of the product, and facilitate discussions.
• Surveys: Employ surveys where the Product Owner verbally asks respondents pre-determined questions, or questionnaires where items are presented via forms (online or in hard copy format).
• Workshops: This is a type of brainstorming where the group identifies as many user story ideas as possible. To support getting a high quantity of ideas, it is suggested that participants should not agree/disagree with or assess items during the workshop.

The above content includes excerpts from the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. It's offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Book Trailer — Updated on 10 October 2017
20 October 2017
Agile Scrum Guide | Official Book Trailer from Scott Graffius on Vimeo.
The 30-second book trailer for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions (https://vimeo.com/178858753) was updated. The “Featured In” portion incorporates mentions of award placement news on sites of ABC, CBS and NBC affiliates. For example, ABC 7 (WZVN TV) lists the results of the 2017 Book Excellence Awards—where Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions took first place in Technology—on their site.
Reactions to the book have been incredibly positive. Honors include 11 first place wins in national and international competitions.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Video: Technical Debt — Including Top 7 Causes, and How to Avoid It
19 October 2017
Agile Scrum Guide | Minisode | Technical Debt from Scott Graffius on Vimeo.
This (https://vimeo.com/238528947) is a “minisode” on technical debt. It’s a 60-second video version of an article on the same topic published earlier in this blog.
The content is an abridged excerpt from the award-winning book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, available in paperback and ebook formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Risk Management
16 October 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To help explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as risk management, quality management, communications management, etc. The information is included in the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Risk Management. This comparison is one from a series.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Review and Examination Copy Programs — Updated on 10 October 2017
10 October 2017

The review and examination copy programs were updated. It's now easier and quicker than ever for members of the media and instructors to request a paperback copy of Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions.
For members of the media: bit.ly/2gbU2uY.
For instructors: bit.ly/2gcKYG4.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions provides those interested or involved in innovation, project management, product development, software development or technology management with an authoritative roadmap to easily and quickly implement Scrum, the most popular agile project management and delivery framework. It helps technology and business teams deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement—which drives competitive advantage.
Reactions to the book have been incredibly positive. The Midwest Book Review wrote, “Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is an all-inclusive instruction guide that is impressively 'user-friendly' in tone, content, clarity, organization, and presentation.” Honors include 11 first place awards in national and international competitions.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

7 Business Benefits of Digital Transformation and How Agile Can Help Deliver Results Quickly
03 October 2017

This is a brief overview of digital transformation—including key steps, business benefits, and how agile can help deliver results quickly.
Digital transformation is about leveraging data and connectivity to change the way the business competes and adds value. Leaders who don’t seize this opportunity will see their organization's business value erode.
Digital transformation involves three key steps:
- Convert data to insight. Collect, analyze and make sense of historical and real-time data.
- Impart insight to action. Leverage the insight as an action within a business process or other application.
- Convert action to outcome. Invent new or reinvent existing business processes or models, creating a stronger value proposition.
Digital transformation may yield one or more of the following benefits for businesses:
- Reach ROI sooner
- Better products/services
- Faster time-to-market
- Less waste
- More profit
- Protect/secure market share
- Improved competitive advantage
Digital transformation is about revolutionizing the way business is done, and an agile approach can help teams adapt and deliver value quickly. That supports innovation and succeeding in a rapidly evolving world.
For those interested in agile, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions provides an authoritative roadmap to easily and quickly implement Scrum, the most popular agile project management and delivery framework. It helps teams deliver products in short cycles with rapid adaptation to change, fast time-to-market, and continuous improvement―which drives competitive advantage. The book is available in paperback and ebook formats.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is First Place Winner in 2017 Book Excellence Awards ― Technology Category
01 October 2017

The 2017 Book Excellence Awards named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius as the first place winner in the Technology category. Sponsored by Literary Excellence Incorporated and based in Canada, the competition is open to English-language books in print, e-books and audio books from all publishers including self-published authors. The international program judged entries on overall quality and appeal to the target audience, and outstanding works are honored with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

7 Causes of Technical Debt and How to Avoid It
25 September 2017

This is a brief introduction to technical debt—including top causes and how to avoid it.
Technical debt (also known as code debt and design debt) is a term used to describe the eventual consequences of a technical design or development choice made for a short-term benefit but with subsequent consequences. An example is writing suboptimal code to meet a deadline, knowing that the code will have to be rewritten later to make the software maintainable.
Technical debt may have one or more causes, such as:
1. Time pressures
2. Overly complex technical design
3. Poor alignment to standards
4. Lack of skill
5. Suboptimal code
6. Delayed refactoring
7. Insufficient testing
Over time, those factors result in the accumulation of technical inefficiencies that need to be serviced in the future. Unchecked technical debt may make the software more expensive to change than to re-implement.
Technical debt can be avoided or minimized by not taking shortcuts, using simple designs, and refactoring continuously. When there’s technical debt, the team should make the items visible by registering entries in the product release backlog, where the matters will be evaluated and prioritized for resolution.
Controlling technical debt (when others don't) can be a competitive advantage.
This content is an abridged excerpt from the award-winning book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Here's What Businesses are Doing with Artificial Intelligence
19 September 2017

Disruption from artificial intelligence (AI) is here, but many leaders don't have clear expectations about AI or how it fits into their business. This brief article focuses on the disparity in understanding and implementation.
There are four organizational maturity clusters:
- Pioneers (19% of organizations): Businesses that both understand and have incorporated AI into their offerings and internal processes.
- Investigators (32%): Businesses that understand AI but are not deploying it beyond the pilot stage.
- Experimenters (13%): Organizations that are piloting AI without deep understanding.
- Passives (36%): Organizations with limited/no understanding of AI and no piloting/adoption.
Only 19% understand AI and have adopted it. Barriers for the remaining 81% may include issues with business cases, leadership, talent with AI expertise, and technology.

Data source: https://sloanreview.mit.edu/projects/reshaping-business-with-artificial-intelligence.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

10 Key Changes to Government Project Management from the Program Management Improvement Accountability Act (PMIAA)
17 September 2017

If you are involved or interested in government project or program management activities, here's an overview of the Program Management Improvement Accountability Act (PMIAA) which was passed into law by the US Federal Government in 2016. There are 10 key points.
This law established requirements for the Office of Management and Budget to:
1. Adopt and oversee implementation of government-wide standards, policies, and guidelines for project and program management;
2. Chair the Program Management Policy Council;
3. Establish standards and policies for executive agencies consistent with widely accepted standards for project and program management planning and delivery;
4. Engage with the private sector to identify best practices in project and program management that would improve federal project and program management;
5. Conduct portfolio reviews to address programs identified as high risk;
6. Conduct portfolio reviews of agency programs at least annually to assess the quality and effectiveness of program management; and
7. Establish a five-year strategic plan for project and program management.
The law specifies that the Office of Personnel Management must issue regulations that:
8. Identify key skills and competencies needed for an agency program and project manager;
9. Establish a new job series or update and improve an existing job series for program and project management; and
10. Establish a new career path for program and project managers.
Additionally, within three years of enactment, the General Accounting Office must issue a report examining the effectiveness of the following on improving federal project and program management: the standards, policies, and guidelines for project and program management; the strategic plan; Program Management Improvement Officers; and the Program Management Policy Council.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

List of 13 Most Valuable IT Credentials Include Three Related to Project Management
15 September 2017

In IT, there's no substitute for experience. However, certifications remain a valuable tool for advancing one's career. CIO.com reports that 13 IT certifications emerged as the most valuable, and three of them are related to project management. Here's the list:
1. Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS)
2. Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)
3. Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD)
4. Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
5. Certified Information Security Manager (CISM)
6. Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC)
7. Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT)
8. Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE): Cloud Platform and Infrastructure sub-category
9. VCP6 – DCV
10. AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional
11. Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)
12. Project Management Professional (PMP)
13. Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
If you're interested in learning about the project management related certifications (CAPM, PMP and CSM), links follow. For information on the CAPM and PMP, visit the Project Management Institute. For information on the CSM, visit the Scrum Alliance.

Post-Publication Notes
If there are any supplements or updates to this article after the date of publication, they will appear here.
This article by Scott M. Graffius on the most valuable IT certifications was published in 2019. Graffius periodically refreshes his work. The most current (2024) edition of his report is here.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

5 Things You Need to Know About Leading Successful Large-Scale IT Modernization Projects
11 September 2017

As business needs change and technologies advance, organizations often take on modernizing their IT systems. Some elect to do complete switchovers to new systems, but such "big bang" implementations may result in more challenges than taking a more measured and incremental approach.
This webinar from the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) covers topics to consider in executing large-scale modernization efforts. It includes: know where you want to be, know where you are, know what you need, know how to move forward, and iteratively move forward. The total run time for the video is one hour.
Since 1984, the SEI has been helping government and industry organizations to acquire, develop, operate, and sustain software systems that are innovative, affordable, enduring, and trustworthy. It serves the United States as a Federally Funded Research and Development Center and is based at Carnegie Mellon University, a global research university rated among the best for its programs in computer science and engineering.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Agile Scrum Velocity
06 September 2017

Velocity is a simple but powerful method for measuring the rate at which Scrum teams deliver business value. To calculate velocity, simply add up the estimates (usually in story points) of the features, user stories, requirements or other backlog items completed in an iteration. Only work completed per the definition of done counts.

Velocity, Actual
Actual velocity is the sum of the team’s delivery of completed work during an iteration, usually measured in story points.
Example 1: A team completed work on three out of three stories in a sprint:
• Completed story “A” had 3 points
• Completed story “B” had 5 points
• Completed story “C” had 8 points
The sum of the three completed stories is 16, so the velocity is 16.
Example 2: A team completed work on two out of three stories in a sprint:
• Completed story “X” had 2 points
• Completed story “Y” had 5 points
• Incomplete story “Z” had 5 points
Only completed stories count. The sum of the two completed stories is 7, so the velocity is 7.
Velocity values may fluctuate from iteration to iteration, but the values often stabilize for teams after they’ve completed between three and six sprints.

Velocity, Planned
Planned velocity is the historical velocity for the team. It is sometimes called the estimated velocity or ideal velocity. If the team has not done any iterations before, there is no historical data, and planned velocity does not yet apply. If there is historical data, sum all the velocity values and divide by the number of iterations to obtain the mean average, and use that value as the planned velocity. Using a simple method like the preceding one is advised, especially when starting out with Agile Scrum. Some organizations use alternatives—such as a three-point moving average, trimmed mean average or the median average—for planned velocity.

This content is an abridged excerpt from the award-winning book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, available in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Review and Examination Copy Request Forms Simplified
04 September 2017

Complimentary softcover copies of Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions are available to media outlets and instructors.
Review copies are available for members of broadcast, print or online media including writers, reporters, producers, and editors—managing editors, assignment editors, and planning editors. The review copy request form was simplified. It's located here.
Examination copies are available for instructors at an accredited university or college who wish to consider the publication for adoption. The examination copy request form was also simplified. It's located here.
Requests are subject to availability and approval.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Top 3 TED Talks for Project Managers
01 September 2017

Here are three must-watch TED talks for those involved or interested in project management:
On creating harmony -
TED Talk by Itay Talgum
"Lead Like the Great Conductors"
On reducing complexities -
TED Talk by Yves Morieux
"As Work Gets More Complex, Six Rules to Simplify"
On sustaining a healthy team -
TED Talk by Dan Pink
"The Puzzle of Motivation"
If you enjoyed these talks, you’ll find 2,500+ more at TED.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

How to Create Highly Effective Visual Project Roadmaps for Executives and Other Stakeholders — in an Infographic from Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™
28 August 2017

Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ shares guidance on developing effective project roadmaps for executives and other stakeholders. The content is in the form of an infographic, available on the company site at Exceptional-PMO.com.
Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ is a consultancy specialized in delivering business results through project, program, portfolio, and PMO management inclusive of agile, traditional, and hybrid frameworks. We help organizations achieve more consistent realization of business results, faster time-to-market/delivery speed, upgraded on-time delivery, improved on-budget delivery, better management of risks, improved customer and stakeholder satisfaction, and greater competitive advantage. For more on the company, please visit exceptional-pmo.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Timeline for "Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions"
28 August 2017

A timeline of major milestones for the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, is available here.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Communications Management
24 August 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" That's a frequent question, and the answer follows. Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To help explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as scope management, quality management, communications management, etc. The information is included in the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Communications Management.
The information is also shared simultaneously on Twitter (@AgileScrumGuide) and Facebook (AgileScrumGuide). This comparison is one from a series.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is available in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Book Trailer — Updated 23 August 2017
23 August 2017
Agile Scrum Guide | Official Book Trailer from Scott Graffius on Vimeo.
The updated, 30-second trailer for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is shown above and it is available at https://vimeo.com/178858753.
Changes include two additional awards—First Place in the Business category at the 2017 Pacific Rim Book Festival, and First Place in the Green/Conscious Business category at the 2017 Bookvana Awards. Those honors to covered in separate entries earlier in the blog.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Added New Quiz to Online Bonus Content for Purchasers of Book
23 August 2017

Online bonus material—containing an ever-growing list of supplemental content that comes free with the purchase of Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions—was updated today. A new quiz was added to the list.
Instructions on how to access the bonus material are provided inside the ebook and inside the paperback book.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Integration Management
21 August 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" That's a frequent question, and the answer follows. Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To help explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as scope management, quality management, integration management, etc. The information is included in the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Integration Management.
The information is also shared simultaneously on Twitter (@AgileScrumGuide) and Facebook (AgileScrumGuide). This comparison is one from a series. Additional content will be posted separately.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Scope Management
15 August 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" That's a frequent question, and the answer follows. Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To help explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as scope management, quality management, control management, etc. The information is included in the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Scope Management.
The information is also shared simultaneously on Twitter (@AgileScrumGuide) and Facebook (AgileScrumGuide). This comparison is one from a series. Additional content will be posted separately.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Selecting the Right Project Management Solution (SaaS and On-Premises Models) for Your Business — in an Infographic from Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™
15 August 2017

Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ guides the selection of the right project management solution for your business by identifying different options including the pros and cons of SaaS and on-premises models. The content is in the form of an infographic, available on the company site here. This infographic—and more—is also shared on tweets from @Exceptional_LLC.
Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ is a consultancy specialized in delivering business results through project, program, portfolio, and PMO management inclusive of agile, traditional, and hybrid frameworks. We help organizations achieve more consistent realization of business results, faster time-to-market/delivery speed, upgraded on-time delivery, improved on-budget delivery, better management of risks, improved customer and stakeholder satisfaction, and greater competitive advantage. For more on the company, please visit exceptional-pmo.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Cost Management
14 August 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" That's a frequent question, and the answer follows. Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To best explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as scope management, quality management, control management, cost management, etc. The information is included in the appendix of the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Cost Management.
The information is also shared simultaneously on Twitter (@AgileScrumGuide) and Facebook (AgileScrumGuide). This comparison is one from a series. Additional content—comparisons on scope management, integration, etc.—will be posted separately.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is Silver Medal Winner in 2017 Global Ebook Awards ― Technology Category
13 August 2017

Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius received recognition from the 2017 Global Ebook Awards. Graffius' ebook won the silver in the Technology category (and also the bronze in the Business category).
Established in 2011, the competition is open to English-language ebooks from all publishers including the Big Five—Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette—and self-published authors. Judging was conducted by librarians, professional critics and other industry professionals with experience in the category they evaluate. Ebooks were assessed on design, content, and overall appeal for the target audience. Awards shine a light on the best books available in digital format.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is First Place Winner in 2017 Bookvana Awards ― Green/Conscious Business Category
13 August 2017

The 2017 Bookvana Awards named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius as the winner in the Green/Conscious Business category. The awards program honors publications that cultivate and elevate our business and personal lives. The competition is open to English-language books from small, medium, large, and independent presses as well as self-published authors. A panel of publishing industry experts judged entries, and outstanding books are celebrated with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is Bronze Medal Winner in 2017 Global Ebook Awards ― Business Category
13 August 2017

Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius received recognition from the 2017 Global Ebook Awards. Graffius' ebook won the bronze in the Business category (and also the silver in the Technology category).
Established in 2011, the competition is open to English-language ebooks from all publishers including the Big Five—Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette—and self-published authors. Judging was conducted by librarians, professional critics and other industry professionals with experience in the category they evaluate. Ebooks were assessed on design, content, and overall appeal for the target audience. Awards shine a light on the best books available in digital format.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Time Management
11 August 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" That's a frequent question, and the answer follows. Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To best explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as scope management, quality management, control management, time management, etc. The information is included in the appendix of the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Time Management.
The information is also shared simultaneously on Twitter (@AgileScrumGuide) and Facebook (AgileScrumGuide). This comparison is one from a series. Additional content—comparisons on scope management, communications management, etc.—will be posted subsequently.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Book Trailer — Updated 11 August 2017
11 August 2017
Agile Scrum Guide | Official Book Trailer from Scott Graffius on Vimeo.
The updated, 30-second trailer for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is shown above. Changes include the addition of the IndieBRAG award and a revision to the closing image.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Receives Recognition from IndieBRAG
10 August 2017

Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius was awarded the Book Readers Appreciation Group (B.R.A.G.) Medallion for excellence in independent publishing. The indieBRAG program uses book clubs and individuals in the United States and around the world to evaluate works. Books judged as excellent receive the B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree designation.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is Silver Medal Winner in 2017 CIPA EVVY Book Awards ― Business Category
09 August 2017

On Saturday night, August 19, the Colorado Independent Publishers Association recognized author Scott M. Graffius at its 23rd Annual CIPA EVVY Awards in Denver, Colorado. Graffius was bestowed a silver medal in the Business category for his book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. CIPA is a nonprofit cooperative of authors, book publishers and industry professionals; and the EVVY awards program is named after CIPA founder, Evelyn Kaye. The competition is open to books in print, e-books and audio books from around the world. Entries were judged by a panel of literary agents, authors, editors, critics, and business leaders. Outstanding works are credited with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Quality Management
07 August 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" That's a frequent question, and the answer follows. Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To best explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as scope management, quality management, control management, team management, etc. The information is included in the appendix of the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Quality Management.
The information is also shared simultaneously on Twitter (@AgileScrumGuide) and Facebook (AgileScrumGuide). This comparison is one from a series. Additional content—comparisons on scope management, communications management, etc.—will be posted subsequently.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Receives Medal from 2017 FAPA President's Book Awards
05 August 2017

On Saturday night, August 5, the Florida Authors and Publishers Association presented its annual President’s Book Awards. FAPA bestowed a silver medal in the Business category to Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. FAPA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) that is dedicated to providing the highest quality of information, resources, and professional development to members and others interested in the writing and publishing profession. Librarians, book industry professionals, and educators judged entries. Books demonstrating excellence in design, content and production were honored with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Team Management
05 August 2017

"What are the similarities and differences between Scrum and waterfall?" That's a frequent question, and the answer follows. Scrum and waterfall methods both involve planning followed by forms of execution, monitoring and controlling. However, there are distinctions.
To best explain key differences, side-by-side comparisons were created on multiple areas such as scope management, quality management, control management, team management, etc. The information is included in the appendix of the book, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. An excerpt is provided here. This post is titled, Side-by-Side Comparisons of Agile Scrum and Waterfall Models: A Quick Look at Team Management. (Note: In project management, team management is sometimes referred to as HR management.)

The information is also shared simultaneously on Twitter (@AgileScrumGuide) and Facebook (AgileScrumGuide). This comparison is one from a series. Additional content—comparisons on scope management, quality management, etc.—will be posted subsequently.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Book Trailer — Updated 3 August 2017
03 August 2017
Agile Scrum Guide | Official Book Trailer from Scott Graffius on Vimeo.
The updated, 30-second trailer for Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is shown above.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is Finalist in CIPA EVVY Book Awards
02 August 2017

The 2017 CIPA EVVY Book Awards named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions a finalist in the Business category! CIPA (the Colorado Independent Publishers Association) will announce the award placement levels at their awards ceremony on Saturday, August 19 at the Forney Museum of Transportation in Denver, Colorado.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is Finalist in FAPA President's Book Awards
02 August 2017

The 2017 FAPA President's Book Awards named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions a finalist in the Business category! FAPA (the Florida Authors and Publishers Association) will announce the award placement levels at their awards ceremony on Saturday, August 5 at the Hilton Orlando Buena Vista Palace in Orlando, Florida.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Talk on Agile Scrum at July 25 Meeting of LA Chapter of the PMI
25 July 2017

It was an honor to speak on Agile Scrum: An Overview at the July 25 meeting of the Los Angeles Chapter of the Project Management Institute. The Q&A was engaging and insightful, and our time flew by quickly.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is First Place Winner in 2017 Pacific Rim Book Festival ― Business Category
24 July 2017

The 2017 Pacific Rim Book Festival named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius as the winner in the Business category. The annual competition is open to works from small, medium, large, and independent presses as well as self-published authors. Judging was conducted by a panel of industry professionals, and placements were determined based on overall excellence. Winners will be honored at a gala on August 18, 2017 at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, home of the first Academy Awards ceremony. Graffius is scheduled to attend and speak at the gala.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Contributor and Reviewer of Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition
05 July 2017

I am honored to be a Contributor and Reviewer of The Standard for Program Management – Fourth Edition by the Project Management Institute. The fourth edition will continue its evolutionary path from process-based to principle-based standard, expanding on the principles of program management to reflect good practice.
The PMI is scheduled to publish it in Q3 2017.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Contributor and Reviewer of Upcoming PMBOK® Guide – Sixth Edition
05 July 2017

I am honored to be a Contributor and Reviewer of the PMI’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) – Sixth Edition. The PMBOK® Guide reflects evolving knowledge within the profession and is the leading global standard for project management. It has contributed significantly to the advancement of the project management profession worldwide by championing a common lexicon and disseminating generally accepted project management knowledge and practice.
The PMI is scheduled to publish it in Q3 2017.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Scott M. Graffius Selected as Featured Author by BookWorks
05 July 2017

I’m honored that BookWorks selected me as a Featured Author. I was named for my favorably reviewed and award-winning non-fiction title, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. Established in 2010, BookWorks is an international online community for authors and publishing industry professionals.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is Silver Medal Winner in 2017 Literary Classics International Book Awards ― Instructional Category
01 July 2017

The 2017 Literary Classics International Book Awards presented Scott M. Graffius with a silver medal in the Instructional category for his publication, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions. Literary Classics is dedicated to furthering excellence in literature. The judging committee was comprised of experts with backgrounds in publishing, writing, editing, design, and illustration. Books of exceptional merit promoting vision, creativity, and learning are honored with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Review of "Agile Scrum" by PM World Journal
07 June 2017

The PM World Journal wrote, “Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is a must-have for a project manager wanting to introduce Scrum to the organization.” I’m thankful for the excellent review.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Review of "Agile Scrum" by Literary Classics
05 June 2017

Literary Classics wrote, “A-type personalities (those inclined to avoid instruction manuals) and non-readers will rejoice upon discovering this guide which makes getting started with Agile Scrum a breeze.” I’m thankful for the wonderful review.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" Awarded Seal of Approval from Literary Classics
05 June 2017

Literary Classics awarded Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions with their Seal of Approval.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is Silver Medal Winner in 2017 North American Book Awards ― Business Leadership and Management Category
25 May 2017

The 2017 North American Book Awards presented Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions with the silver medal in the Business Leadership and Management category. The competition is open to works published in North America by small, medium, large, and independent presses as well as self-published authors. Each entry was evaluated by three judges with expertise in the corresponding genre, and books of outstanding merit are honored with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is First Place Winner in the 11th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards ― Technology Category
20 May 2017

The 11th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards named Scott M. Graffius' publication, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, as the winner in the Technology category. The prestigious awards program is open to English-language books in print from small presses, mid-size independent publishers, university presses, and self-published authors. The competition was judged by experts from all aspects of the book industry including writers, editors, and publishers. "We are proud to announce the winners and finalists whose books truly embody the excellence that this award was created to celebrate," said Ellen Reid, founder of the NIEA.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is First Place Winner in the 2017 Independent Press Awards ― Technology Category
03 May 2017

The 2017 Independent Press Awards named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius as the winner in the Technology category. The competition is open to works from small, medium and large publishers including books issued by imprint brands (Bantam, Penguin Press, Doubleday, Scribner, Addison-Wesley, Viking, and Harper Business to name just a few) of the Big Five (Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette). Works from independent presses and self-published authors are eligible as well. Entries were judged by publishing industry professionals, and awards credit books of exceptional merit.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

How to Achieve Higher Project Management Performance — in an Infographic from Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™
17 March 2017

Companies benefit from professional maturity, which enables them to translate organizational strategy into success, drive business improvement, and gain a competitive edge. High performance is associated with project management maturity. Our partners at Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions have a downloadable infographic with practical tips on how to effectively advance professional project management practices and maturity levels. The file is available here.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is First Place Winner in the 2016 New Apple Book Awards ― Technology Category
16 February 2017

The 2016 New Apple Book Awards named Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions by Scott M. Graffius as the first-place medalist winner in the Technology category. The annual competition is open to English-language publications from small presses and self-published authors. A panel of judges identified works of excellence, and the best of the best are honored with awards.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

"Agile Scrum" is First Place Winner in the 2017 Feathered Quill Book Awards ― Informational Category
30 January 2017

The 2017 Feathered Quill Book Awards recognized author Scott M. Graffius' title, Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions, as the gold/first-place award winner in the Informational (Business) category. The competition is open to works from small, medium, large, and independent presses as well as self-published authors. The judging panel was comprised of industry professionals including authors, reviewers, editors, and literary publicists. Winners were selected based on multiple factors including book cover art, ability to engage the reader, layout and design, illustrations, editorial quality, and production excellence.
Thank you to the technical editors on the book, Chris Hare and Colin Giffen.
Agile Scrum: Your Quick Start Guide with Step-by-Step Instructions is offered in digital and print formats.

The ebook (ASIN: B01FZ0JIIY) is available in:
- Australia,
- Brazil,
- Canada,
- France,
- Germany,
- India,
- Italy,
- Japan,
- Mexico,
- the Netherlands,
- Spain,
- the United Kingdom, and
- the United States.
The paperback (ISBN-13: 9781533370242) is for sale at:
- Amazon,
- Barnes & Noble,
- Strand Books,
- Harvard Book Store,
- Books-a-Million,
- The Booksmith,
- Hudson Booksellers,
- Savoy Bookshop & Café,
- Compass Books at SFO/Books Inc.,
- Books & Books - Miami,
- University Press Books - Berkeley,
- and other retailers and partners in the United States and around the world.

For press, please visit AgileScrumGuide.com.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.

Scott M. Graffius at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017
08 January 2017

This was the 50th anniversary of the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and it was a blast! Scott M. Graffius represented Exceptional PPM and PMO Solutions™ at CES. Here are a few highlights.
It was a sort of a car show within a tech show. For example, there was Faraday Future’s FF91 — a 1,050 horsepower electric prototype with plenty of smart features. It is reported to go from 0 to 60 MPH in 2.39 seconds. Production is set to start in 2018.
Connected cars were a big trend. And the companies working behind the scenes — on features such as autonomous driving and voice-assist — shared the focus. Nvidia is working on technology that would enable cars to read your lips. Mobileye's cameras help cars get a sense of what is happening all around them.
Beyond cars, the Internet of Things (IoT) was present with connected products such as washing machines, coffee makers, and more. And there was coverage on wearables and VR.

© Copyright 2017 Scott M. Graffius. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the express written permission of Scott M. Graffius.